Copy Text File Content with Right Click

                    Copy Text File Content with Right Click

Most users must have faced this annoying problem of opening a text file just to copy content inside.

Wouldn't it be so much easier if there was a Copy File Content OPtion, which u could simple right click copy the entire text automatically...

Well here comes the next TricksTerminal trick for u...

Add a Copy To Clipboard option in Right click Context Menu for Text File
Well..there's a small limitation to this -> You have to press SHIFT + Right Click
But is definitely a Handy Trick!


Copy the following content into a text file -> Save it as Copy.reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; add a context menu item to allow you to copy text files to the clipboard

@="Copy to Clipboard"

@="cmd /c clip < \"%1\""

Open the file -> Press Yes

And your All DONE!!!

Definitely a Handy Trick!


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